welcome to AMST 507! we have a lot to do this semester beginning with getting to know each other. this week write an introductory post letting everyone know why your taking this class, what you hope to gain from it and any other bits of info you'd like us to know.
1/9/2013 11:25:05 pm

believe it or not i have never posted a blog. how do i do this?

1/10/2013 12:13:57 am

My bio is short. I'll just do it as a comment until I can learn how to blog. I am what Gramsci referred to as an Organic Intellectual, you know, one of those weirdo's from the 60's that somehow survived. I am a fourth year AMST Phd candidate. Shock! With a huge Sallie Mae staring me in the face, I expect to get a job driving a truck. My research is about returning from college or military career to the reservation to "help" the people. I spent last summer interviewing all over the Plateau. I chose this course to challenge myself.

1/10/2013 05:01:53 am

I added in a page that has all the info you need on how to create a blog post. Let me know if you need any more help.


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